Michigan Covid Numbers: A Tale Of Whitmer/Trump And Whitmer/Biden Numbers
I created a spreadsheet and have been inputting the daily Covid-19 numbers since March 17, 2020, when Michigan had 54 cumulative positive cases. In the spreadsheet I have recorded the following data for the State of Michigan, the United States, and the World:
Michigan (from the official Michigan Covid-19 website)
- Cumulative positive case numbers
- Cumulative reported deaths
- The daily increase of positive case numbers
- The daily increase in reported deaths
United States (from the official CDC Covid-19 website)
- Cumulative positive case numbers
- Cumulative reported deaths
- The daily increase of positive case numbers
- The daily increase of reported deaths
World (from Johns Hopkins University of Medicine Covid-19 website)
- Cumulative positive case numbers
- Cumulative reported deaths
- The daily increase of positive case numbers
- The daily increase of reported deaths
I decided to look at the numbers from the perspective of Michigan’s numbers during the Trump and Biden Administration. I call these the Whitmer/Trump and Whitmer/Biden Covid-19 numbers. What I found very interesting from the perspective of not only the numbers but how the mainstream news is reporting on those numbers.
According to Michigan’s Coronavirus official website on January 19, 2021 (last full day of President Trump Administration), Michigan reported the following Covid-19 numbers, we will call these the Whitmer/Trump Covid-19 numbers:
- Cumulative positive case number of 540,115
- Cumulative reported deaths of 13,865
According to Michigan’s Coronavirus official website on December 1, 2021, Michigan reported the following Covid-19 numbers, we will call these the Whitmer/Biden Covid-19 numbers:
- Cumulative positive case number of 1,318,123 or an additional 778,008 under the Whitmer/Biden Administrations
- Cumulative reported deaths of 24,090 or an additional 10,225 deaths under the Whitmer/Biden Administrations
What does it all mean? President Trump did not have the vaccines in arms fully implemented under his Administration. The Biden Administration was handed the vaccines by the Trump Administration and the Covid-19 numbers still increased greatly under the Whitmer/Biden Administrations.
Under the Whitmer/Biden Administration, the positive case number rose 170% and the deaths increased approximately 75%. Remember these increases are including the vaccines handed to the Whitmer/Biden Administrations or as they like to call it vaccine “jabs” in arms.
With Michigan having approximately 55% of their residents fully vaccinated and 61.5% with at least one vaccination shot why have the positive case numbers increased by 170% and the deaths increased by 75%?
Also, ask yourself why hasn’t the mainstream media been reporting these increased numbers and asking the Whitmer Administration about them every day?
Also, ask yourself why hasn’t the mainstream media been pointing out the fact to their viewers and readers that these increases are in spite of the vaccines or jabs in people’s arms?
Then ask yourself why did it take a radio talk show host have to write this piece and inform the world about these numbers?
Spread the word and share this article, perhaps we can get the rest of the news media in Michigan to report these numbers in this context.