Michigan has a new website that gives parents better access to school information and could help you decide what school to send your children to.The dashboard was created in partnership with MDE and the state Center for Educational Performance and Information.

Known as the "Parent Dashboard for School Transparency" (I wish there was an acronym for the name but PDST sounds too much like something else) offers an insight to school and student performance, graduation rates and even school compliance with state requirements.

Whether you are looking for student-to-staff ratios, attendance information, school assessment scores, or access to college-credit or career-tech programs, the Parent Dashboard provides easy access to valuable measures helpful in providing students a quality education.

This will be a growing and ever-changing site based on input from teachers and parents who use the site to make it easier to navigate.

The dashboard is designed to be a “living tool” that will be updated as user feedback and new school data become available.

There are also tips on how to find your school and how to view the data.


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