Michigan High School Students Walkout to Support Second Amendment
We have heard and read all of the reporting of high school students walking out on their classes, in many cases with support of their schools, in support of more gun control laws.
Have you heard about the students walking out of class in support of the Second Amendment?
Well it has happened and it just happened here in Michigan.
As reported by the Lansing State Journal students at Grand Ledge High School, approximately 100 of them, walked out of class yesterday in a show of support for our constitution and the Second Amendment in particular.
The Second Amendment states:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
A 16-year-old sophomore who was part of the walkout was quoted in the article stating:
I believe we need weapons to protect from other weapons
This “walkout” was part of a nationwide "Stand for the Second" event planned for Wednesday.
An American Legion-VFW Post 3293 Honor Guard was also there and was led by veteran Dale Walters, Mr. Walters was quoted saying:
We are for your rights…You guys are the next line of defense, think about what rights we have and how you can defend them.
According to the national event’s webpage the reason for the walk was:
Disruption of education has never, and will never, be our goal…We do however recognize that when anti-gun students organized their walkout, they were allowed and often encouraged by their schools. In light of this fact, we ask that we receive the same platform to express our views.
What is at stake here is whether we are going to continue to be a country of laws and not men and women. Are we going to follow our constitution or not? If citizens of the United States do not like part of our constitution then please stand on that and do the necessary work to change our constitution do not just ignore it.
Let us see how much press this walkout and others like it will get from the Main Stream Manipulative News (MSMN)?