Michigan Kindergartners Need These Vaccinations, Says Health Department
If you have a kid who’s going to be entering Kindergarten this Fall, it’s time now to make sure they are properly vaccinated. That’s what the Barry-Eaton District Health Department says in a release Tuesday.
BEDHD’s Immunization Coordinator Jackie Anderson says that getting kids immunized is “the single most important” method for keeping kids healthy.
The health department says that by the time a child enters Kindergarten, they should have received the following immunizations:
- 4 Doses of DTap (Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis)
- 2 Doses of Hepatitis A
- 3 Doses of Hepatitis B
- 2 Doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
- 4 Doses of Polio
- 2 Doses of Chickenpox (Varicella)
If your kid is not up to date with their vaccines, BEDHD asks that you make an appointment with your doctor or contact the health department.