Michigan’s Civil Rights Commission Supports Teaching Racism And Bigotry To Children
What is the purpose of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission? It was created:
“by the Michigan Constitution to safeguard constitutional and legal guarantees against discrimination. The Commission is charged with investigating alleged discrimination against any person because of religion, race, color or national origin, genetic information, sex, age, marital status, height, weight, arrest record, and physical and mental disability. The Michigan Department of Civil Rights serves as the operational arm of the Commission.”
If they are truly supposed to “safeguard constitutional and legal guarantees against discrimination” then why are they endorsing racism and discrimination?
On Monday, November 22nd the commission passed a resolution opposing two pieces of Michigan legislation that would ban the teaching of the racist Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Michigan K-12 public schools. Those pieces of legislation are Senate Bill 460 and House Bill 5097.
The Commission stated they wanted to take a stance against “any and all legislation that promotes censorship and book banning.” Interesting, that would mean they would also support books teaching the virtues of the KKK and the Nazi’s attempt at what the commission would probably call eugenics with the Jewish people. Would they be against banning those books?
Stacie Clayton, Chair of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission stated:
“Students have the right to a complete, accurate and truthful education, especially on issues with serious societal implications and ramifications…the Michigan Civil Rights Commission is committed to academic freedom and an equitable, comprehensive and historically exact education for all of Michigan's children."
That means she and the commissioners who voted for this resolution believe white children should be taught they are racist because of the color of their skin and black children should be taught they are victims and will always be victims because of the color of their skin. That is what CRT teaches children.
Will you be surprised to know that of the eight members on the board only one is a Republican? His name is Ira Combs, Jr., said he doesn’t believe Critical Race Theory is a legitimate terminology.
Mr. Combs abstained from voting on the resolution. It passed with support from five commissioners: Commission Chair Stacie Clayton, Commission Vice-Chair Zenna Faraj Elhasan and Commissioners Richard Corriveau, Gloria Lara and Portia Roberson. Commissioners Regina Gasco-Bentley and Anupama Kosaraju were absent from the Nov. 22 meeting.
When will these racists/bigots stop pushing their racism on Michigan’s young children?
To think that Michigan’s “Civil Rights” Commission itself has members who now need to be investigated for “alleged discrimination against any person because of race and color” is troubling.
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