Michigan’s Director Of The Department of Health and Human Services Ridiculous Response
After I saw the following video I was stunned and almost speechless. Eventually, all I could say is WOW!. The following video is of Robert Gordon, Director of Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services. He was testifying for a third time before the Legislature’s Bipartisan Joint Select Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic Response.
First a little bit about Robert who was appointed by Gov. Whitmer Jan. 14, 2019. According to his official bio:
Director Gordon has a distinguished career in public service. Most recently, he served as senior vice president of finance and global strategy for the non-profit College Board.
Prior to joining the College Board, Director Gordon served in the U.S. Department of Education as acting assistant secretary at the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development. He spent four years at the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, including service as acting deputy director. He has been described as the quarterback for President Barack Obama administration’s evidence-based policymaking initiatives, which closely tied program funding to quality evaluation.”
The only thing close to Health and Human Services is when he “oversaw” the:
“Administration on Aging at the Department of Health and Human Services’”
If you did not know Governor Whitmer never established a task force to determine why so many elderly people were dying in Michigan’s nursing homes until 4-5 months after she declared an emergency and took control of the entire state of Michigan.
State Sen. Kim LaSata, R-Bainbridge Township, asked Director Gordon last Wednesday:
“Why did it take so long to form a task force”
Director Gordon’s response after thinking about it for 7 seconds was:
“We were busy”
Do not believe me then just hit the play button below.
This is who Governor Whitmer chose to lead Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services?
That is the best he could come up with?
Would you resign after embarrassing yourself, the Governor and the state of Michigan?
Should Governor Whitmer ask for his resignation?
Should Governor Whitmer be asked about his response?
Should Governor Whitmer be asked why she took so long to form a task force?
Someone should ask Whitmer these questions. I would like to but she dodges anyone who might ask a tough question.
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