This week's Miles for Memories Moment underscores the old adage "you are what you eat", by focusing on the best (and words) foods for brain health.

Melanie Grafft says studies have shown 20-30 percent of caloric intake supports brain function. She also says what's called "the MIND diet" may stave off the onset of memory loss reported a study published by the Journal of Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

  • An NIA study found that elderly people who rigorously followed the MIND diet were 7.5 years younger cognitively during a period of roughly five years than those with the poorest adherence.
  • The MIND diet highlights the foods and nutrients shown through the scientific literature to be associated with dementia prevention.
  • The MIND diet has 15 dietary components, including 10 "brain-healthy" food groups and five unhealthy groups.
  • Brain-healthy foods: whole grains, green leafy vegetables specifically, and other vegetables, along with having a glass of wine, nuts, beans, poultry, berries, and fish.
  • To stick to the MIND diet, a person has to limit intake of the designated unhealthy foods, especially butter, sweets and pastries, whole fat cheese, and fried or fast food.

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Courtesy Miles for Memories
Courtesy Miles for Memories

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