Miles for Memories: Nutritional Concerns and Dementia
This week's Miles for Memories Moment focuses on common nutritional concerns for those with dementia or Alzheimer's Disease.
Melanie Grafft of Advantage Living Center talked about some of the signals of nutritional issues when someone has dementia. Click the player above to hear more.
What are some of the nutritional concerns in older adults with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease?
• Weight gain – over eating or only eating sweets
• Weight loss – not being hungry or not liking the taste or mouth feel of some foods
• Eating behaviors – distracted at meal time – eating without utensils, eating pieces of food that are too large and cause choking.
For those still living at home, on their own
• Lack of access to appropriate foods
• Safety – in cooking or properly cooking
• Forgetting or not bothering to eat
Are their food assistance programs for older adults living in the community?
• Calhoun County Senior Services and CareWell Services provides funding for senior dining centers and Meals on Wheels
• Project Fresh, coordinated by CareWell Serives, offers coupons that can be used for purchase of fresh produce
Keep in mind: What is certain is that nearly 20-30% of your caloric intake supports brain function. It only makes sense then, that what we eat could be very important in how your brain functions. In a few weeks, we will talk about some of the nutritional choices we could/should be making now to help prevent the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s
Upcoming Miles for Memories event – September 16, Main Event, community walk/stroll beginning at Wave Square at 10:00 a.m. And on September 30, our annual Tailgate Party in Downtown Battle Creek
Miles for Memories is creating solutions for those impacted by dementia in Calhoun County through movement, programming and research.