Michigan Close To Building Its Largest Drive In Movie Screen
I've never once been to a drive in movie, but that may soon change as Michigan is close to confirming the building of its largest drive-in movie screen and theater. Phoenix Theatres, which is located in Monroe, Michigan has announced its partnership with the Cafaro Company, as they plan to build Michigan's largest outdoor movie screen at the Mall of Monroe.
According to WWJ, The owner of Phoenix Theatres says the new Starlite Drive-In Experience will feature the largest outdoor movie screen in the state and will be Michigan’s first digitally projected outdoor experience utilizing laser projection technology. Plans also call for a full service concession stand, modern indoor restrooms and radio sound broadcasted directly to your car stereo.
This plan is almost a complete go, however, it still needs approval from Frenchtown Township trustees. With their approval, the new drive-in would be operational and open next spring. Let's go!