Motorcyclist Injured Fleeing Calhoun County Sheriff’s Deputies
A motorcyclist was injured after losing control of his motorcycle while fleeing Calhoun County Sheriff's Deputies.
Calhoun County Sheriff's Deputies attempted to stop two speeding motorcycles on East Emmett Street and Maxwell Sunday evening in Emmett Township. Both motorcycle drivers failed to stop and continued south onto North Raymond Road. A silver sedan pulled onto North Raymond Road from Jameson Avenue, unknowingly pulling in front of one of the motorcycles that were traveling at a high rate of speed. One of the motorcycle drivers attempted to maneuver around the silver sedan when the driver lost control of his motorcycle and crashed at the intersection of Jameson Avenue and North Raymond Road. The injured motorcyclist is identified as a 24-year-old male from Battle Creek.
The injured motorcycle driver sustained non-life threatening injuries. He was transported to Bronson Kalamazoo for treatment. Charges will be sought on the driver for Flee & Elude, Driving While License Suspended and Expired Registration.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office at 269-781-0880, Calhoun County Consolidated Dispatch at 269-781-0911 or Silent Observer at 269-364-3888.

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