No To Funding Of Wall But Yes To Funding Of Daycare
We all know that the Democratic Party is against funding a wall to help secure our southern border and nation. Apparently they are not against spending $12 million of our tax dollars to fund an expansion of their daycare center.
Fox News reported:
In early 2018, the waiting list for the House day care facility reportedly topped 175 names, and newborns at both the House and Senate day care centers typically waited between two and three years for a slot to open. The delays were so lengthy that many House employees signed up before they became pregnant.
“The Senate day care and the House daycare — they’re the golden egg,” former U.S. Senate counsel Michele Jawando said in an interview with NBC News last year. “They’re the Willy Wonka golden ticket.”
A second expansion to the facility is expected to open next year and provide space for an additional 120 preschool-age children. The waiting list on the House side is expected to drop to just one year after the expansions are complete.
They say this expansion is needed because there is a 2 to 3 year waiting list for congressional congress people and their staff.
The NPR has reported that the parents would pay between $1,100 and $1,700 a month for childcare. The Washington Post reported that in 2015, a single year of infant care in the District of Columbia cost about $22,631, or about $1800 a month.
A congressional official told Fox News that:
“Rates for members and their staff are not subsidized by taxpayers.”
Rates may not be subsidized but the expansion is.
Do not get me wrong, both the Democrats and Republicans authorized these funds but it is the Democrats who do not want to spend our taxpayer dollars to secure our southern border, the Republicans do.
Point being there is money that can be spent on the security of our nation, the Democratic Party seems to just want to spend it on their children.
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