Now Lead in Lansing Schools
I just reported on lead and copper found in Grosse Pointe schools now East Lansing is reporting that they have found high levels of lead in the water at all of their school buildings.
The Lansing State Journal is reporting that the lead found in the water at the schools included water from “at least seven faucets accessible to students” but none were from drinking fountains. County health officials have stated the health risks are low.
County Health Officer Linda Vail was quoted in the article stating:
"This is an older building issue that is kind of a known issue in general”
Is East Lansing comprised of a majority of non-white people? As many of you know we were told by many on the left that the Flint water crisis was due to racism. I guess from their racism charge I am finding out something I did not know but Grosse Pointe and East Lansing apparently must be a majority of non-white people. You know white and black politicians would never allow this lead poisoning thing to happen in predominately white cities.
I am being facetious of course. This throwing the race card at every perceived slight or serious issue has to stop. We should be more concerned with fixing the issue and then attributing blame where appropriate. When blame is attributed we should then demand accountable as we see the AG Bill Schuette and Governor Snyder is doing in this lead crisis in Flint.
As reported in the LSJ article elevated lead levels were found in water samples at the following East Lansing Public Schools facilities:
Donley Elementary: Girls' bathroom sink, mechanical/custodial room, library storage room sink
Glencairn Elementary: Mechanical/custodial room, girls' bathroom sink, M. Foster classroom sink, K. Nordquist classroom sink
Marble Elementary: Faculty mens' bathroom sink
Pinecrest Elementary: Multi-purpose storage room sink, kitchen three-compartment sink, two mechanical/custodial rooms, Z. Konett classroom sink, library storage room sink
Whitehills Elementary: S. Wagner classroom sink
MacDonald Middle School: Unisex bathroom sink, mechanical/custodial room, two kitchen sinks to wash hands, kitchen three-compartment sink, five unused sinks in V. Watson classroom, R. Voigt storage room sink not used, S. Jackson storage room sink not used
High School: Three mechanical/custodial rooms, unused wood shop room
Source: East Lansing Public Schools letter to parents addressed April 19
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