Grand Rapids Mayor: Oil Bad, Their Money Good?
Why is it impossible for so many politicians not to be hypocrites?
Well, according to a Michigan Capitol Confidential article, Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell hates oil and believes in global warming -- but apparently loves his No. 1 foe’s blood money.
Heartwell has said in the past, “Our planet is sick and it is we who have infected it," according to CAPCON. In fact, in a speech he gave in January, the mayor called for an end to hydraulic fracturing (commonly known as “fracking”) and said he would ask Kent County and Governor Snyder to do the same.
He is a very liberal politician, so I understand that he worships at the religion of global warming. I say "religion," because one has to believe in global warming, which has proven to have no basis in fact.
But, according to the Michigan Capitol Confidential article, Heartwell appears to have no problem with taking global warming big oil dirty disgusting money.
Pure hypocrite, in my opinion.
The money that he is begging for is collected from oil companies for using hydraulic fracturing when drilling on state land to fund city government spending.
MLive reported that the Grand Rapids mayor plans to request a $7.5 million grant from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund. The Mayor would use that blood money, which the state collects from royalties paid by oil and gas drillers, to buy six properties that are owned by Kent County, Michigan State University and the city's parking system.
This Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund was created in 1976 and is funded with oil, gas, and other mineral lease and royalty payments to the state. The trust fund money must be used for the acquisition of public land and for recreation projects.
As is typical with these politicians, the mayor’s office has not responded to Mackinac Center For Public Policy email seeking comment.
My advice to the Mackinac Center is, "Please do not hold your breath waiting for a response, you will end up suffocating yourself."
Let’s discuss this Tuesday on my show the Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.
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