Pennfield Charter Township PFAS and Manganese Test Results
Pennfield's water supply is safe. That's the word according to a press release from Pennfield Township Supervisor Dave Morgan.
Pennfield Charter Township in coordination with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality recently conducted testing for both PFAS and Manganese within the township’s water system. On June 21, 2018 a sample from the Pennfield Charter Township water system was secured by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and tested for PFAS. The results of the testing for PFAS were “Non-Detected”.
On June 27, 2018 in a joint effort with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, three (3) sites were tested within the Pennfield Charter Township water system for Manganese. Site One (1) and Site Two (2) both tested “Not Detected” with site three (3) testing at 0.04 mg/L which is well within the acceptable levels for Manganese. “We are very happy with the results from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality regarding our water system and the quality of the water which we are providing to the residents of Pennfield Charter Township. We will continue to be proactive in providing the best quality of water to our residents as possible” said Dave Morgan, Pennfield Charter Township Supervisor. “Having a great working relationship with the City of Battle Creek and their willingness to go above and beyond to work together with our water department has been an advantage for both our communities. When communities work together everyone wins and we are a perfect example of that”.