Summer is in full swing in Michigan, which means it's feeding season for mosquitos. When it comes to our gardens, surrounding yourself with growing beauty and delicious fruits & vegetables tend to be the main focus, but there's also a big opportunity to put those plants to work.

Most Michiganders will admit, when it comes to mosquitoes, our state seems to be bombarded with them when summer arrives. The city of Detroit actually ranks 7th on Orkin’s list of most mosquito-ridden cities. Unfortunately, in 2021 mosquitoes in Michigan tested positive for EEE, the disease affects both horses and humans, which means stirring clear of being bitten is a must.

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Over the past few years there has been more talk regarding the pros and cons of using insect repellent due to the chemical make-up. Although, still a good way to protect yourself from the little bloodsuckers known as mosquitoes, many look for natural alternatives to protect themselves from getting bitten.

There are actually a number of plants you can add to your garden or deck planters that mosquitoes and other biting insects seem to dislike. Most of those plants are strong-smelling herbs and flowering plants, and keep the unwanted "guests" away. Thanks to Mother Nature there are some easy natural ways to still enjoy the great outdoors without becoming a "free-for-all' buffet for summer's little vampires.

There's still time to try adding a few of these to your garden or landscape design and stay bite-free all summer long.

9 Plants That Mosquitoes Absolutely Hate

Some plants are pretty, some are fragrant, but these plants also keep those pesky mosquitoes away.



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