Podcast: Renk’s Interview MI Supreme Court Justice About Their New Project
I interviewed Michigan Supreme Justice Brian K. Zahra yesterday concerning the Michigan Supreme Court Justice for All (JFA) Task Force. The stated goal of this task force is to work toward achieving 100% access to Michigan’s civil justice system.
The Michigan Supreme Court believes the Justice for All project is important because:
- The right to a lawyer applies only in criminal cases, not civil cases.
- Seven out of 10 low-income households had at least one civil legal problem in the last year.
- Due to funding limitations, legal aid agencies must turn away over half of those who seek their help.
- In three of four civil cases, at least one side represents themselves in court because they can’t afford to pay an attorney.
- Only 10% of people with civil legal problems recognize their issue has a legal component that may be solved by the civil justice system.
- People who have done nothing wrong often lose their cases in court because they don’t have the legal information or help they need.
Below you can listen to our very informative interview in which he goes into quite a bit more detail concerning the goal of this project and task force:
The Task Force will be holding two Town Hall meetings to gather and convey more information. To find out more about these meetings please click here.