Ice Rainbow Over West Michigan Is The BEST Thing About The Polar Vortex
Did you see this spectacle in the sky?
This morning the skies in West Michigan lit up with what many people call an ice rainbow. If you have never seen this beautiful sunrise, you must check out some of these photos.
The cover photo, shown above, was submitted by WKFR listener Mark Thompson who found this perfect shot near the corner of Head Road at Keller Road in Barry County.
This show of sunlight is commonly referred to as an ice rainbow, but their true title is a halo. The halo's appear in different forms, the one we had the pleasure of seeing today is know as a "Light Pillar Halo".
How does this magic happen? Well according to
the 'Halo' is produced by sunlight interacting with ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere.
It's nice to know that even though we are dealing with record low temperatures in the state of Michigan, and all the snow fall that caused us troubles, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Did you get a photo of the sundog? If you did, share it in the comment section below.