We surveyed media members from around the state of Michigan asking them to make predictions for 2019.

​During a stopover between Detroit and Chicago concerts, Keith Richards turns up dead at the Kalamazoo Radisson.

Brandon James: Reporter WBCK/Battle Creek
Kalamazoo will announce yet another new multi-story structure construction project for downtown.
There will be another earthquake somewhere in Southwest Michigan 
Kalamazoo and Battle Creek officials will announce that the Kalamazoo Airport will be closed and sold to a real-estate developer, and Battle Creek’s W.K. Kellogg Regional Airport will be expanded and become a major airport for Southwest and Central Michigan.
A new player will emerge among local breweries and buy out at least one existing local brewery.
Nate Adams: Sports Director WBCK/Battle Creek

Sorry to say it, U of M fans...Harbaugh is done after another lackluster football season in 2019.

Eastern Hills Golf Course will go back up for sale by the City of Kalamazoo, but no takers.

Kalamazoo College will earn enough donations as swimming season ends this year, thanks to an Anonymous donor, to help in the new Natatorium being built for 2020.

Western Michigan Hockey wins the NCHC Tourney in March, locking up an NCAA berth.

Stephanie McCoy: Morning Show Host WITL/Lansing

The Detroit Pistons will make the Eastern Conference finals.

The Philadelphia Phillies will win the World Series.
Lacy James: Host K102.5/Kalamazoo
I predict an unseasonably warm spring, a new mosquito born illness to reach Michigan & a new Go Go’s album
JoJo Girard: Host: WFGR/Grand Rapids
Meijer will debut a pot section at their stores under the 'Meijerjuana' brand, which is cool because I bought the URL for it. I also own SaugaToke.com if anyone wants it.
Janna: Host WGRD/Grand Rapids
The Lions will STILL not make it to the Super Bowl. Duh. Also, SPORTS!!!!Grand Rapids will take back the title of Beer City USA!!! (Best Beer Scene in U.S. contest from USA Today/ 10 Best ... apparently St. Louis took it in 2018??)At least 3 restaurants will close in GR... BUT 3 more new ones will open!Grand Rapids will yet again make some sort of "hot housing market/ real estate" list.
Mill Milhouse: Host WFGR/Grand Rapids
The damn roads won't be fixed.
A Michigan brewery will make marijuana-infused beer.
More people will start eating skyr instead of yogurt.
Kristen Matthews: Host WITL/Lansing

A "Parks & Recreation" reunion of some kind

Your Predictions?

Let us know your predictions for 2019 in the comment section below.

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