Pure Michigan Ads May Be Back in 2020
After Michigan Governor Whitmer slashed funding for the Pure Michigan tourism advertising campaign in the Fall of 2019, a new bill intends to restore dollars to promoting the state.
We don't know if they will be able to afford Tim Allen, but here's hoping Northern Michigan Representative Jack O'Malley's bill gets passed. He wants to reinstate $37.5 million in funding for Pure Michigan, vetoed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer as the new state budget year began Oct. 1.
From tourism to business location decisions, we want people to come to our great state – and the Pure Michigan campaign brings them here. Pure Michigan has been a fantastic way to promote everything our state has to offer – from the Upper Peninsula to Detroit and everywhere in between. It benefits every region of our state, and this funding must be restored to help continue Michigan’s economic comeback.
Michigan Economic Development Corporation's Dave Lorenz, Vice-President of Pure Michigan calls the bill a "tremendous development[s] for the travel industry and for everyone in Michigan," calling the introduction of legislation "an important step."