SAFE Place Business Model To Be Examined
The new director of Calhoun County's domestic abuse shelter tells WBCK her arrival is an opportunity to examine the operation top-to-bottom.
Jessica Edel Harrelson said such a review is likely in order to determine if the organization is being as responsive as possible for those locally who are attempting to escape a domestic violence situation.
Harrelson became the director at SAFE Place in September 2016, succeeding Jennifer Fopma, who was placed on paid leave in mid-February and dismissed on February 29, 2016.
Fopma had been sounding alarms about dire financial straits for SAFE Place, given a downturn in funding and an upswing in demand for services. Harrelson said she is examining all aspects of the operation.
In a January 2016 interview on WBCK, Battle Creek Community Foundation CEO Brenda Hunt - questioned about dire year-end appeals for funding from SAFE Place and The Haven of Rest - said she believes SAFE Place needs to change its business model.
Hear more of Harrelson's perspective and background by clicking the player below.
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