Schwarz and Schauer: You Can Help Shape Budget Policy, Other Issues
In the third installment of a six-part series on how the state and federal budget trickle down to every citizen, two of Battle Creek's seasoned former legislators tell WBCK citizens can - and do - affect lawmakers' focus and priorities.
Republican Dr. Joe Schwarz and Democrat Mark Schauer, both of Battle Creek and both former lawmakers whose tenure reaches all the way to Washington, D.C., agreed that citizens who contact legislators with a well-reasoned, well-thought out approach to an issue will get the attention of lawmakers.
The segment was the third in a six-part series coordinated by Michigan Citizen Action, a southwest Michigan-based non-partisan group working to stimulate citizen interest and involvement in various issues, including how municipal entities allocate and spend money.
Schwarz and Schauer also alluded to current efforts in Washington to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and an overall behind-the-scenes view at how citizens input can get the attention of lawmakers.
Click the player below to their thoughts.
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