The thing that baseball does best is nostalgia. The thing that Nike does best is commercials. Just minutes after the Chicago Cubs won the World Series, this commercial ran on Fox.

What makes it hit home here even in West Michigan is, nearly half the population has roots that run west rather than east, and many are from or have family in Chicago. A common thing on Facebook following the game was: "My mom was from Chicago" or "I used to go visit my grandparents there". The other thing is WGN has been on cable and satellite systems for almost 4 decades. Until a recent ownership change turned the focus to being a regular channel rather than a "superstation", WGN brought Cubs games to viewers all over the country. Thanks to a similar superstation in Altanta, TBS, there are Braves and Cubs fans everywhere.

The other point, what kid hasn't done this themselves?

And there's also that this may be the last great sports story - a 108 year drought. This will hit home for Cub fans near and far.


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