The Battle Creek City Commission will embark on their second regular meeting electronically due to social distancing and the statewide executive order to stay home.

After the Commission met on April 14th through Zoom, all items on the agenda were unanimously approved including a new "Jaws of Life" apparatus purchase for the Fire Department and the approval of several repaving projects within the city limits that will take place this year.

In order to view the City Commission meeting this Tuesday, April 21st, you can view it through Accessvision channel 17's Live Feed beginning at 7pm or on the City's Facebook page. If you would like to partake in the public comment portion of the meeting, you may call into the Zoom meeting at 1-312-626-6799. Be sure to include the meeting's ID number of 921-2248-6625.

A look at Tuesday's agenda can be found here or through the City of Battle Creek's website. Among the items will be a revision of two housing developments set for downtown Battle Creek with a different amount of units that will be a part of the projects. The Commission will also discuss the possible approval of the planning engineering and completion of construction of a taxiway and runway at the Battle Creek Executive Airport at Kellogg Field.

The meeting is scheduled to begin Tuesday night at 7pm.

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