Pre-sale tickets for Star Wars: The Force Awakens were not meant to go on sale until after the trailer officially arrives tonight during halftime on ESPN’s Monday Night Football, but Fandango, and a few theater websites made tickets available to purchase early this evening — and their websites are already down, unsurprisingly.

Star Wars Force Awakens Tickets
loading... made tickets available for all theater locations, while Fandango began with a select few locations and opening day showtimes, followed by specific theater websites like the Arclight in Los Angeles and the Alamo Drafthouse. While several fans took to social media to let their friends know that they had happily secured tickets for their desired showtime, it wasn’t long before the websites all began to fall down like internet-dominoes.

As of now, we have officially murdered Fandango,, (though the latter appears to be loading…eventually) and possibly even more sites that have yet to be reported — with love, of course. Weird, obsessive, irrational Star Wars love that cannot be shackled by the simple restraints of the internet.

It shouldn’t be long before the sites are back up and running. Meanwhile, a friendly reminder: you do not HAVE to buy tickets to Star Wars: The Force Awakens tonight. Tickets will continue to be available after tonight as more days and showtimes are added. If you aren’t in a rush to see The Force Awakens on opening day / night, you can check back in at your own convenience and tickets will be available. Just because you don’t snag some tonight doesn’t mean you’ve missed your only chance to see it.

Calm down, everyone! And get ready for the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer!

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