If you've got plans to wait till the last minute to go shopping this year you could be setting yourself up for failure as supply chains have a lot of holiday items on the backlog.

Thought it was hard getting a PS5 before? just wait till Christmas this year and see you'll the madness that is yet to come this year. 

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The country’s supply chain crisis is hitting the toy store’s stock.

Items that typically take just two weeks to arrive aren’t showing up for four to five months.


October is usually the busiest month for shipments into the United States as companies stock up ahead of Black Friday.

But products remain stuck on containers and cargo ships off the coast of California, leaving Christmas and holiday deliveries in question. Source:NBC25.com

With products being held up in cargo ships off the coast of California who knows when things will get back on a steady rhythm. These things usually only get worse over time as everyone scrambles to get presents for the holiday season. I would advocate that you should seriously consider you do all your shopping online this year and start shopping right now.

Experts are saying that people haven't started panic buying just yet, but they are doing some precaution buying. This means you should be doing the same thing before you find yourself in a fistfight with a stranger in the mall over the last toy on the shelf.  Another solution would be to invest in digital downloads for video games. If you already own a modern console,(PS5, Xbox) you can purchase newer titles via the marketplace. That way you won't have to stress out over last-minute buying.


CHECK THEM OUT: 100 years of Christmas toys, gifts and fads

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