A bill that would create three tiers of auto insurance options crashed and burned in the state legislature. State. Rep. Dave Maturen voted against the 'no-fault" reform bill and outlined his concerns talking with Tim Collins on the WBCK Morning Show.
Michigan's Mackinac Center for Public Policy publicly called out legislators in the Michigan House to pass House Bill 5013, meant to reform auto insurance rates.
I will be interviewing Mackinac Center for Public Policy Director of Research Michael Van Beek at 11:06 tomorrow morning.
Michael has been looking into the auto insurance reform issue and wrote the following:
State lawmakers are poised to take a huge step towards reforming Michigan’s auto insurance laws...
More discussion in Michigan’s legislature to reduce our auto insurance rates between 20-30%.
Will it actually happen, who knows?
There appears to be a bipartisan coalition of 15 Michigan state representatives that have been working on and finally announced their auto insurance reduction plan...