Michigan Tech Has Flaming Trumpets In Their Pep BandMichigan Tech Has Flaming Trumpets In Their Pep BandI was today-years-old when I found out there was a FLAMING TRUMPET SECTION in the Michigan Tech Pep Band!MeatballMeatball
Twins On Western & MSU Marching Bands Meet On Field for Once-In-A-Lifetime Photo OpportunityTwins On Western & MSU Marching Bands Meet On Field for Once-In-A-Lifetime Photo OpportunityIt was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the twins to meet on a football field, in uniform, after both their teams played each other.MeatballMeatball
Retiring HS Band Director Gets “Mr. Holland’s Opus” Treatment During Final ConcertRetiring HS Band Director Gets “Mr. Holland’s Opus” Treatment During Final ConcertHe taught students for more than 40 years, so students from all four decades showed up to send him off into retirement.MeatballMeatball
Portage Central Band Members Sat During The National AnthemPortage Central Band Members Sat During The National AnthemI emailed the principal of the school for his thoughts and he replied with...RenkRenk