
Bizon, Haadsma Debate on WBCK
Bizon, Haadsma Debate on WBCK
Bizon, Haadsma Debate on WBCK
The 62nd District Michigan House of Representatives race is being considered among those that could help shape the balance of power in Lansing in the next legislative session. Thus, it has become a competitive race where campaign ads have taken a negative tone...
Does the VP Choice Tell Us Something about the Presidential Candidate
Does the VP Choice Tell Us Something about the Presidential Candidate
Does the VP Choice Tell Us Something about the Presidential Candidate
If a VP candidate is not chosen for any specific political reason such as courting a certain segment of our populations vote i.e. female, Hispanic or attempting to win a certain state, does the Presidential candidates choice tell us something about them...
Poll: Who Advanced?
Poll: Who Advanced?
Poll: Who Advanced?
Who do you think helped advance their campaign the most in the first Republican debate? You can make up to 4 choices