State Senator Dr. John Bizon introduced a bill Tuesday which would regulate kratom as a Schedule 2 drug, meaning it could only be obtained by prescription.
The Battle Creek Chamber of Commerce posted the internship opening on their Facebook page Wednesday, saying that Representative Dr. John Bizon of the 62nd District is seeking interns for the summer of 2018, from May until August.
A package of bills designed to reform Michigan’s Civil Asset Forfeiture procedure has now been introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives. The Republican sponsored bills would do a variety of things.
A package of bills introduced in the Michigan House Tuesday and co-sponsored by Battle Creek representative Dr. John Bizon would relax some hunting regulations. The primary sponsor for the bills is Rep. Steve Johnson from Allegan County.
Innovative new drugs are coming out all the time to offer hope to cancer patients and others facing life-threatening diseases, but the cost of these treatments can be prohibitive. That’s why Battle Creek Repubican State Rep. Dr. John Bizon is introducing a bill to allow patients access to drugs that are very similar, for less cost.
Battle Creek’s representative in the Michigan House is already looking ahead to 2018. Republican Representative Dr. John Bizon is currently serving his second term in the 62nd State House District, and is eligible to run for one more term in the House...
Calhoun County Commissioner Jim Haadsma recently announced his candidacy for Michigan House of Representatives in the 62nd District, representing Battle Creek.
The Democrat has served as a county commissioner since 2008, and appeared on The Richard Piet Show Thursday to discuss his motivation for a new House campaign...
As the questions about water quality inspired by Flint turn to the likelihood of similar water problems in other parts of the state, Rep. Dr. John Bizon spoke this week from both a lawmaker's and doctor's perspective about it.
On The Richard Piet Show, Bizon discussed his view of the health effects of leaded water, as well as whether or not he sees the governor as ultimately responsible for the ov
Representative Dr. John Bizon (R-Battle Creek) tells The Richard Piet Show the agreement reached in Lansing to fund road repairs - which is reportedly to be signed into law by Governor Rick Snyder Tuesday - pushes his comfort level.
But, Bizon says, he feels there was no other political road to the agreement than the one the House and Senate have approved...