How Two Young Sisters Got Kellogg’s To Make A Major ChangeHow Two Young Sisters Got Kellogg’s To Make A Major ChangeDare we say, these girls did GRRRRRREAT! Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
12 Year Old Charged With A Felony For Pointing A Finger Gun12 Year Old Charged With A Felony For Pointing A Finger GunRenk: This coming from a school culture that are concerned about the school to prison pipeline and restorative justice.RenkRenk
Wouldn’t A Michigan Girls Only Camp Be Sexist?Wouldn’t A Michigan Girls Only Camp Be Sexist?Renk: My belief is that when warranted it is perfectly fine to have...RenkRenk
Girls Must Register for Military?Girls Must Register for Military?Yesterday at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday top officers in the Army and Marine Corps testified that girls should now be required to register for a potential military draft when they turn 18, just like the the boys do...RenkRenk