A new poll conducted and released by the Kaiser Family Foundation states that more people want ObamaCare fixed not repealed.
The new poll said they found that approximately 4 out of 5 people want the Trump Administration to fix the ObamaCare health insurance law rather than repeal it...
Michigan Senate Insurance Committee might pass an auto insurance bill that would no longer have unlimited medical insurance.
An article in the Detroit Free Press late this afternoon is reporting that Michigan’s Senate Insurance Committee might pass an amended version of Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan's D-Insurance auto insurance plan. M...
A new survey by InsuranceQuotes.com found that Michigan has the highest automobile insurance in the nation.
As being reported by the Detroit Free Press Michigan drivers are paying more than double, approimately136% above, the national average of $815 a year, again according to a report by insuranceQuotes.com....
Would it be fair to let some out-of-the-state mandated unlimited medical care coverage when it comes to auto accidents?
Well, apparently State Sen. Virgil Smith (D-Detroit) and Sen. Joe Hune (R-Hamburg) do.
I just finished reading an article in the Detroit News that informed me that Senator Smith and Hune have introduced a bill that would do just that...