Newly Formed Love's Furniture Hit With LawsuitNewly Formed Love's Furniture Hit With LawsuitFusion Furniture and its parent company, Southern Motion, are filing a federal suit demanding payment for nearly $2 million in unpaid product invoices for furniture delivered to Loves.Jim MishlerJim Mishler
Loves Furniture Closing 13 Stores After Just Four MonthsLoves Furniture Closing 13 Stores After Just Four MonthsThe furniture retailer opened their first store in Michigan just four short months ago. Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Portage, Battle Creek Art Vans Coming Back As Loves FurniturePortage, Battle Creek Art Vans Coming Back As Loves FurnitureThe Art Van Furniture stores in Battle Creek and Portage are back from the dead.Dave BensonDave Benson
New Company Buys Local Art Van LocationsNew Company Buys Local Art Van LocationsThe new venture is buying up 17 former Art Van locations in the state, including the former Art Van stores in Battle Creek, and in Portage. Jim MishlerJim MishlerTim CollinsTim Collins