
Union asks what’s:“your biggest fear” about Republicans
Union asks what’s:“your biggest fear” about Republicans
Union asks what’s:“your biggest fear” about Republicans
Interesting, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the largest unions in the United States is asking all their members a question. What question are they asking? SEIU asked its members in what they call an action alert message what they fear most about a president that doesn’t stand with working families...
Kick Women Out Of The Country?
Kick Women Out Of The Country?
Kick Women Out Of The Country?
Today on State of the Nation Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz told CNN’s Dana Bash that all of the remaining Republican presidential candidates and are saying, “yeah, let’s kick women. Let’s kick them and immigrants out of this country...
Congrats Gov. Snyder
Congrats Gov. Snyder
Congrats Gov. Snyder
Did you know that from the years 2009 to 2014, Michigan had the 3rd highest percentage increase in our state's gross domestic product (GDP)?