I interviewed the Chair of Michigan’s Republican Party Ronna Romney McDaniel on my program today.
We discussed the recent Birthday gift attack commercial the Michigan Democrat Party is running against Republicans who voted for the Michigan Road Funding plan and what the Chair of Michigan’s Democratic Party Brandon Dillon had to say about it when I interviewed him earlier this week...
I interviewed the Chair of Michigan’s Democrat Party former Democrat state representative Brandon Dillon on my program today.
We discussed the recent Birthday gift attack commercial they are running against Republicans who voted for the Michigan Road Funding plan and we also discussed what the Michigan Democrat Party would have supported as a road funding plan...
I interviewed Michigan Governor Rick Snyder on my 11-12-15 show..
We discussed his thoughts about his program concerning vocational training, the road funding bill and the new government integrity report that came out last week. This new corruptibility report card from the Center for Public Policy (CPI) ranked Michigan the worst in the nation when it comes to government transparency and accountabi
Yesterday afternoon the Michigan Senate passed the House’s Road Funding Plan with some changes, it passed 20 – 18 with 19 Republicans and 1 Democrat (Senator Virgil Smith) voting yes.
Then around 10:30 p.m. last night, the House approved the changes voted on in the Senate for higher fuel taxes and vehicle fees on 54-53 and 55-52 votes...
It appears that all the politicians and so called pundits who are saying that the new Michigan House of Representatives road funding plan means cuts to other Michigan programs should keep their powder dry for right now.
I just read an article by Michigan’s own think tank the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, in Midland Michigan, in which it state “contrary to some news accounts” the new plan does
Surprise Surprise, what appears to be out of the blue the Michigan House of Representatives passed a $1.2 billion dollar road funding plan. Now on to the Senate it goes.
I say I am surprised because we heard nothing about them being close to a deal and surprisingly it appears there were no leaks, at least none that I heard of...
On The Richard Piet Show Tuesday, Governor Rick Snyder gave his reasons why his plan to restructure the Detroit Public Schools will work, and how it is important to the rest of the state.
The governor also discussed discussions in Lansing for a road funding plan, which broke off recently after tensions ran high and the talks were said to be at an impasse...
Apparently there may be a new bipartisan road funding bill brewing in Michigan’s legislature.
The Detroit News is reporting on a new deal emerging from both the Michigan Senate and House forged by four Republican and Democrat leaders of the Senate and House.
According to the Mackinac Center for Public Policy’s Michigan Capitol Confidential website Michigan is predicted to take in and additional $2.7 billion dollars in taxes over the next 3 years. In fact Michigan is predicted to bring in an additional 1.6 bi...