These Are The 10 Scariest Intersections In KalamazooThese Are The 10 Scariest Intersections In KalamazooI reached out to our audience to ask what they thought some of the scariest intersections in Kalamazoo were and I have to admit they're right.Mark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
Why Are Trees Being Cleared At Sprinkle & H Ave In Kalamazoo?Why Are Trees Being Cleared At Sprinkle & H Ave In Kalamazoo?Recently, there has been a lot of clear cutting going on on the south west corner of H Ave. and Sprinkle rd. They are pouring an entrance off H Ave.Mark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
Someone In Galesburg Was Hiding A Water Slide From Us This SummerSomeone In Galesburg Was Hiding A Water Slide From Us This SummerThere was one farm house in particular that caught my eye, because it had a giant water slide in it's back endMark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
Why? Someone Please Explain The Funny Merge From Sprinkle Rd To WB I-94Why? Someone Please Explain The Funny Merge From Sprinkle Rd To WB I-94I am sure this area was "paved with good intentions", but we know where that road goes.Brandon JamesBrandon James
Know Your Roundabouts!Know Your Roundabouts!We're just weeks away from the Sprinkle Road round-a-bouts. The Michigan State Police posted a You Tube video a few years ago, and tweeted it out again today. Judging at the potential mess this will be, start studying now.Dave BensonDave Benson