For all you kids out there who were hoping to get some free marijuana edibles while trick or treating like the police warn you about annually, we've got some sad news for you... that's NOT going to happen. That's according to a bunch of people who use and spend lots of money on these edibles. It seems like every year the revolving door of old trick or treating myths get posted by major news outlets, involving police telling parents to check their kids candy for edible THC candy that's disguised as normal candy. For those of you not hip to the marijuana industry, there are now many ways responsible adults like to enjoy their THC.

One of those ways is in the form of candy. But many people feel these reminders are a false scare tactic. In this case, when THC laced Nerd Ropes were confiscated in a raid, they used it to warn parents to make sure their kids weren't given edible THC that Halloween. At no point was that going to happen nor did it have anything to do with trick or treating, but the opportunity was taken nevertheless. This is reminiscent of the 80's, when fear of poisoned candy was sweeping across the nation, along with razor blades in apples. In fact, there were two unfortunate Michigan cases that were initially blamed on stranger poisoning. However, none of these claims were sustained upon investigation:

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  • In 1970, Kevin Toston, a 5-year-old boy from the Detroit area, died after finding and eating his uncle's heroin. The family attempted to protect the uncle by claiming the drug had been sprinkled in the child's Halloween candy.
  • In 1978, Patrick Wiederhold, a two-year-old boy from Flint, Michigan died after eating Halloween candy. However, toxicology tests found no evidence of poison, and his death was determined to be due to natural causes.

One source claims that these myths are a flat out lie:

Almost all tampering cases—at a rate of one or two per year—involve a friend or family member, usually as a prank. Almost all of those involved sharp objects, rather than poisoning. Three-quarters of them resulted in no injuries, and the rest resulted in only minor injuries. No child has ever been killed by eating a Halloween candy from a stranger.

Don't take it from me, this is what Michigan THC users are saying:

If you hear of any houses giving out edibles as candy, let me know. I will personally take care of the situation!


Nobody is going to give out free drugs. This has gone around for years and the only actually known case of poisoned Halloween candy was a dad who tried to kill his own son.


Oh look. This again. PEOPLE WILL NOT GIVE EDIBLES TO YOUR CHILDREN. They are expensive.


Once again NO ONE IS GOING TO GIVE OUT EDIBLES TO CHILDREN FOR FREE!!! why must they do this every year??

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