Union asks what’s “your biggest fear” about Republicans
Interesting, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the largest unions in the United States is asking all their members a question.
What question are they asking?
SEIU asked its members in what they call an action alert message what they fear most about a president that doesn’t stand with working families.
According to an article I read in The Daily Caller they speically asked the following:
“What’s your biggest fear if we elect a president in 2016 who doesn’t stand with working families?”
The action alert then added the following:
“The stakes couldn’t be higher, with many Republican presidential candidates moving more and more to the extreme right and the GOP-controlled leadership in Congress is joining them.”
I find it very interesting that they would ask this question pointing out the Republicans, it is clear this question is agenda driven. They could care less about the answers that they receive from their members as long as the uninformed union members read the question and their thoughts are pushed in a certain direction.
Despicable if you ask me. They certainly would not want their members to hear both sides of the debate and actually be informed about the issues.
So I believe turnaround is fair play.
So I ask you: What is your biggest fear if we elect a president in 2016 who does not stand for the constitution, personal liberty, freedom and national security as their number one priority?
Let’s discuss tomorrow (Wednesday) on my program, The Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.
Or please feel free to start a discussion and write your thoughts in the comment section.