A Foot of Hail in Vicksburg Turns a Michigan August to Winter
A narrow but intense severe thunderstorm in southern Kalamazoo County brought so much hail that you could easily confuse August weather for the dead of winter.
The storm occurred near Vicksburg on Wednesday evening (August 14) and the hailstones shown above has not melted by the next morning more than 15 hours after the storm had passed and 70+ degree temperatures had settled in.
The storm brought plenty of tree limbs and leaves down around the village of Vickburg and surrounding Brady Township.
The photo of the slightly-larger-than-pea-sized hail above was taken in the parking lot of St Martin of Tours church on W Avenue. WWMT's Jeff Porter calls it marble-sized hail. A WWMT viewer estimated they saw a foot of hail while another measured the accumulation at a foot and a half - an incredible 18 inches.
Want more proof of a summertime winter wonderland? Check out these photos of a young person making snow angles in the hail.