Have A Felony? These Michigan Spots Will Still Hire You
I saw a post on the Lapeer News & Discussion Facebook page, that I thought I would share with you. Someone was asking about local companies and or businesses that hire convicted felons. I do believe everyone deserves a second chance and apparently I am not the only one who thinks so. I was pleasantly surprised to see how many local (and national) companies that do indeed hire felons.
If you have a past (and who doesn't) you will not be turned away because of your felony. I am certainly not saying that you will be hired instantly at any of the businesses listed below, that is all on you and how you present yourself during an interview - not your record.
- Ace Hardware
- Applebee's
- AT&T
- Bed, Bath & Beyond
- Best Western
- Buffalo Wild Wings
- Burger King
- Chili's
- Chipotle
- Cintas
- Dairy Queen
- Enterprise Auto Rental
- Family Dollar Store
- Federal Express
- Goodwill
- Good Year Tire
- Home Depot
- IHop
- Kohl's
- Papa John's
- Pepsi Co.
- Pet Smart
- Pet Co.
- Pizza Hut
- Red Lobster
- Red Robin
- Sav-A-Lot Foods
- Sam's Club
- Subway
- Target
- Volunteers of America
- Walmart
I want to reiterate that my list was taken from a social media post, I am sure there are a lot more businesses that will hire felons, if I missed some - please let me know.

Starting fresh and attempting to turn your life around is not easy, but a job is certainly a step in the right direction. Don't be discouraged, haters are always going to hate - but you can prove them wrong.