Your White Christmas Dreams May Come True
Some snow-loving Michiganders were probably starting to worry that the only snow they would see on Christmas Day was in a Currier and Ives scene. But, WBCK meteorologist Dennis Hodges tells The Richard Piet Show computer models on Wednesday morning suggest a storm will start as rain Christmas Eve and become snow. The models suggest the storm could become a big one, dumping significant snow on areas north and east of Michigan. But, given the right scenario, Michigan would also receive significant accumulation.
Mlive Chief Meteorologist Mark Torregrossa agrees, and talked about the potential scenarios on The Richard Piet Show Wednesday. He also talked about the potential causes of a winter that, so far, seems less threatening than the last. But, he also sees possible conditions similar to those that led to the blizzard of 1978. Hear the whole interview by clicking the player below.