Battle Creek Balloon Festival Will Launch in 2021
The Field of Flight Air Show and Balloon festival has been cleared for takeoff and will fill the skies with planes, balloons, and fireworks on the 4th of July.
The U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor demo team headlines the events and the five-day competition for balloon pilots returns as the Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show and Balloon Festival is forging ahead with plans for the Summer of 2021. Executive Director Barbara Haluszka told the Battle Creek Enquirer that her board of directors met and decided to clear the launch of the festival after skipping 2020.
Right now we are pressing on. We are pressing on with the fact that we are going to go.
-Field of Flight Executive Director Barbara Haluszka
An array of aircraft will soar over the Battle Creek Executive Airport and the crowds, from military planes in tight, precise formations to stunt planes that appear to spin wildly out of control and trick planes that perform unimaginable maneuvers. See skywriting and the all-women skydiving team "Misty Blue." The Field of Flight also hosts the nation's third-largest twilight and night airshow, and there will be two balloon illumes, in addition to the 5 days of competition for up to 50 balloon pilots- the signature event the even is known for. Skerbeck carnival is back for 2021, with vendors on the midway offering food and fun for the family.

As we know, the COVID-19 pandemic is not yet under control and planning can be challenging. A September fallback date is being eyed, in case the initial launch is scrubbed. In the meantime, think Summer and get all the info at bcballoons.com on the 2021 Filed of Flight Airshow and Balloon Festival in Battle Creek.
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