Battle Creek Cereal Festival Perfect
The weather could not have been better for the 2017 Battle Creek Cereal Festival and World's Longest Breakfast Table. Temperatures ranged from the mid 60's to mid 70's for the annual event, as thousands headed down for a free breakfast, supplied by Kellogg, Post and Tree House foods. Prairie Farms brought 900 gallons of milk!
Bands played on the main stage from 8 to noon, acrobats did their thing, and local vendors and non-profit groups were set up along with fun kids games in McCamly Park.
Attendance probably wasn't near the 50,000+ of some previous years, but there were a lot of people in downtown Battle Creek to enjoy a great June day and celebrate the Cereal City's rich history.
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The annual Empty Bowl fundraiser for the Food Bank of South Central Michigan had the creations of local students and community leaders on display, and for sale. But the event mostly is designed to raise awareness about hunger in the community, which has been known as the Food City for more than a century.
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