BCVision: What is it and what’s the latest?
At a cookout recently, the subject of BCVision came up, and someone asked, “What exactly is BC Vision?” I didn’t have a really good answer, so I asked two people who are working hard to make a difference in the Battle Creek community through BCVision. Local Businessman Vince Pavone, owner of Lakeview Ford-Lincoln, and Battle Creek Public Schools Superintendent Kim Carter were my guests on the WBCK “Richard Piet Show” on Tuesday. Carter defined BCVision this way:
“BCVision is a community driven movement for change. It’s focused on creating a place where we can all live, work and play. It really is about taking all of the individuals who are committed to Battle Creek, bringing them all together, and think about how we create a community that’s thriving.”
Pavone says leaders came together and engaged the community to get feedback and identify priorities. He said it came down to a few major topics:
- Culture vitality. How do we make this a great place to play, enjoy, and raise a family.
- College career readiness.
- Small business empowerment.
- Attracting and retaining large business.
- Workforce development. Helping people be work ready and to overcome barriers to employment.
Carter and Pavone also talked about recent developments, goals, successes and where help is still needed. Check out the video of our interview.