Black U of M Students Want Segregation
Their ancestors fought against segregation and now their offspring fight for segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. is probably turning in his grave.
The College Fix educational news website is reporting on a student activist group named Students4Justice that are demanding that University of Michigan officials provide them with:
A permanent designated space on central campus for Black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work...we want a space solely dedicated to community organizing and social justice work specifically for people of color.
Even an independent student news site called Michigan Review could not hold back their criticism of the group. Michigan Review wrote in an article about this issue:
The same organization that criticizes the University for failing to create ‘an environment that engages in diversity, equity and inclusion,’ is calling upon the University to undermine these ideals by facilitating a sort of de facto segregation? One where space and resources are designated for students based solely on the color of their skin? To advocate for the ideals of diversity, equity and inclusion, while simultaneously calling upon the University to sanction these spaces on campus is both unprincipled and laughably regressive
Students4Justice Is asking for this segregated place even though U of M is building a $10 million center for black students in the center of campus.
We all must ask ourselves what is going on in these American campuses. Why are all these minority groups clamoring for the old days at least some parts of it.
We have to realize what is truly going on today not only in the political realm but also within our society.
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