According to Wikipedia, Dumpster diving is salvaging from large commercial, residential, industrial, and construction containers for unused items discarded by their owners but deemed useful to the picker.

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I've heard about people making side money by finding things thrown in dumpsters and selling them to other people. But when it comes to Dumpster diving in Michigan what does the law say?

Is It Illegal To Dumpster Dive In Michigan?

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Credit: Canva

Dumpster diving is LEGAL in Michigan and says there are no regulations prohibiting you from diving into dumpsters that have been placed on public locations such as curbs for pick up in most cities of Michigan.

Things That Could Get You In Trouble Dumpster Diving

While dumpster diving is LEGAL in Michigan there are some important things you should keep in mind and follow so you don't end up breaking the law.

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Credit: Canva
  • If you go through a garbage can or dumpster that is still on private property in Michigan you could be charged with trespass or theft.
  • If you see a No Trespassing sign and still go on the property you could be hit with trespassing charges. According to An individual who commits trespassing is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in county jail for a term not to exceed 30 days and/or a fine of $250.
  • Business in Michigan has the right to permanently ban you from their location. You could even face charges of unruly behavior, illegal dumping, or littering.

Is It Illegal To Dumpster Dive At Night?

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Credit: Canva

It is perfectly legal to dumpster dive at night in Michigan as long as you're not breaking any of the laws mentioned above. Some dumpster divers prefer it because of its privacy.

Where Are The Best Places In Michigan To Dumpster Dive? 

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Credit: Canva

The top places to dumpster dive in Michigan according to are

  • Shopping Centers
  • Rich Neighborhoods
  • Cosmetic Stores
  • Construction Sites
  • Garage and Yard sales

So if you ever feel like rolling up your sleeves feel free to go dumpster diving and see what you can find. Just remember to follow the law and make sure you look out for angry trash pandas aka raccoons

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

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