Capitalizing on a wave of popularity touched off by the 1987 original movie release of "Dirty Dancing", theaters across the country are scheduling special 30th anniversary screenings of the dance-romance film.

That includes in southwest Michigan, where Celebration Cinema plans special screenings on Sunday, January 29 and Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at its Portage and two Grand Rapids-area locations.

The 2005 Video Software Dealers Association Awards
Actor Patrick Swayze, who starred as dance instructor Johnny Castle in "Dirty Dancing", is seen in this 2005 photo. Swayze died of pancreatic cancer in 2007 at 57. Getty Images

According to, the movie was released in August 1987 and grossed almost $64 million in the U.S. It touched off a following of dance instruction and many subsequent stage productions over the years.

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