Dill With It: Pickle-Flavored Ice Cream Is Now A Thing
It's a Christmas miracle! MOO-Ville has just unveiled their newest ice cream flavor: dill pickle.
I'm not sure who asked for this one and who eats ice cream this time of year, anyway? Was it inspired by the tradition of the Christmas pickle? Is the market pregnant women? Nashville, Michigan's MOO-Ville Creamery now has dill pickle flavored ice cream. They shared their newest concoction on Facebook:
Yes, we did go there!! We made a batch of dill pickle ice cream and the name is “Just dill with it.”
They suggest trying it in a peanut butter sundae, but I can't get past the chunks of dill pickle floating in the creamy vanilla. Let me paraphrase Rudyard Kipling: "A pickle is a pickle and ice cream is ice cream- never the twain shall meet."
Do you know anyone who would eat this?