Fall Clean-up Week Starts Monday Sept 16
The City of Battle Creek's annual fall cleanup week will take start Monday, Sept. 16 to Friday, Sept. 20 – for those within Battle Creek city limits only.
On their regular pickup days, neighbors within city limits can place up to 10 cubic yards of construction waste at the curb. Waste Management, the city’s trash and recycling hauler, will pick up these items at no extra charge.
All materials must be contained or, when appropriate (carpet and/or boards), must be bundled into four-foot lengths and securely tied. Items set out may not weigh more than 50 pounds per item/bundle.
Fall cleanup items include, but are not limited to: household doors and windows, furniture, mattresses and box springs (must be wrapped in plastic bags, available at City Hall and the Department of Public Works), carpeting, toys, miscellaneous rubbish and junk, and packaging. Glass should be in a cardboard box or other sturdy container, taped shut, and clearly labeled.
The following will NOT be accepted:
- Freon-containing appliances (including refrigerators and freezers)
- Treated lumber
- Auto parts and engines
- Tires, oil and other vehicle liquids
- Batteries
- Fluorescent light bulbs
- Oil-based paints, solvents, pesticides and herbicides
- Concrete
- Tree stumps
- Iron or steel cast iron bathtubs
- Medical waste.
Some of these items will be accepted at the final household hazardous waste collection of the year, set for 10 a.m. until noon on Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Calhoun County building in Marshall. Visit calhouncountyrecycling.com for more information.
Latex paint may be dried out and thrown away in your regular trash. Please be sure the paint is completely dry, with the lid off, before disposal. Adding cat litter or sand can help speed up the process.
See the city’s website, www.battlecreekmi.gov/recycling , for more information about recycling and other environmental services, or navigate to the City Government tab, click Departments, Public Works, Environmental Services.