Historic Adventist Village Annual Christmas Stroll is Dec 1
Come enjoy 19th Century Christmas stories here at Historic Adventist Village. Each guest will receive a light to carry along a lantern-lighted path for touring between three of our historic buildings. The program begins at the 1863 Parkville Church at 6:00pm sharp. The Christmas tree goal this year is $500.00. The Adventist Heritage organization is joining with the Battle Creek Police Department for the Toys for Tots program. They ask that you please bring a donation or an unwrapped gift for a child.
Refreshments of Hot Chocolate and cookies will be served following the program at the Carriage House.
The parking lot is located at the corner of Wood and West Van Buren Streets. (480 W Van Buren St., Battle Creek).
For more information please call Don or Betty Scherencel at 269-965-3000.