Another Great Kickball Classic!
Kickball Classic
The 4th annual Kickball Classic was held at Bailey Park on Sunday. WBCK, Mix 104.9 and Scene magazine fielded a team.
We beat Firekeeper’s Casino, but lost to Northpointe Woods. The champions this year were the Battle Creek Parks and Rec team, which edged out Merrill Lynch by a single run in the final game. Former NFL and MSU star Todd “T.J.” Duckett was on hand to represent, “New World Flood”, a non-profit organization that goes into schools and teaches kids how they can start a flood of community service and kind acts in their school, town, city, and world.
Members of CIR, Community Inclusive recreation joined each team as “CIR All Stars” Our team had Brian Luzinski, who is studying computers in college, and Bret Kellogg, a student entrepreneur with “E3 Achievement, Inc.” Kellogg pitched both games and was truly our all-star.